Demoing a FLIR One on a drone

In February 2019 I want to demo how thermal imaging can be done for search and rescue. All I have available is a FLIR One camera, a drone, a gimbal, a Raspberry Pi, and a wireless 5.8GHz transmitter and receiver.

Obviously there will be some code needed and instructions on how to put it all together. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find this information, but I am sure someone has already done it.

The whole purpose of this demo is not to show the best thermal images, but just to do a proof of concept, and we are doing it indoors at short ranges. We are budget constrained, but if it goes over well, I think the money will come later. This demo is for a group of people who regularly do search and rescue.

So if someone here knows where I can find this information, I would be most grateful. It will need to be done quickly, since February is only about two months away. Its Dec 18, 2018 now.

BTW, this is my first post on this forum, so please be nice! :) Thanks.

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