Determining if esc/motor/or ? is bad

I have a Nova here that has never been flown that has one motor that isn't spinning. Given a voltmeter, etc. what is the best technique to determine if the motor/esc/or intermediate connections are at fault? Thanks!

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  • Can you swap that motor to another position, then same for the ESC - should quickly be able to work out which component is faulty.

    • I am reluctant to risk a known good ESC by attaching a motor of unknown status to it. I did disassemble the motor for a visual inspection, and it appears OK as far as that goes (which isn't very far), but I don't know its electrical status at this point. I also tried the entire ESC/motor assembly in another position (that works with a different ESC/motor assembly) and the bad assembly was inoperative there also. Thanks!

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