I have a turnigy 306G micro servo and have been trying to configure and calibrate my APM tricopter. the tail servo when I plug it into the #7 output rail spins uncontrollably and will not stop unless I unplug the servo. Is there any settings that I can change in the params to make it not do this and operate normally? I have recently been fiddling with it a lot trying to get to a point where I can safely do the compassmot inside my apartment with the tricopter pinned to a tabletop as advised in many videos. I am hoping that due to my recent attempts at tuning my transmitter, I have done something which is now feeding an unwanted signal to the servo, thus the spin... It used to operate normally, only recently has it shifted to this continuous spin mode. I am hoping I haven't lost the functionality of the servo as I have another digital servo when I plug it into the apm #7 rail functions normally when I arm the APM. Is there a way of saving this servo? from one problem to the next it seems. Thanks all.
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Just seen the price you paid for your servo, no wonder you were upset to blow it...
PS, it's running on 5v, so you don't need to spec a HV servo...
I just used the Turnigy MG90S Metal Gear Servo.
seems to do the job nicely.
When I first put my tri in the air, I think it only owed me $80 for the build.
yeah 23 dollars or there abouts... just paid it again, not stoked about it by any means.. but it may be the only thing holding me back at this point. 80 dollars is the price of my replacement APM. you made an affordable rig jason!
ok, maybe a little more, but the motors were $10 each and the esc about $7.
kk2 is $29 I think and a $5 servo.
plus rx and batteries, but I have planes and heli's so don't really include those in the cost of the build.
wood of course and a few bolts...
After a few crashes caused by a bad RX (sent bad by a crash from not using locknuts and losing a prop mid air)
I decided I needed failsafe, so bought a megawii pro ($65) with GPS,
maybe not the smartest move as all my attempts to make it 'safe' have resulted in panic.
PS loiter wont work too good till you get alt hold working and tuned.
I want to start FPV and wanted to use loiter once in the air and at a safe point to put goggles on, not there yet so much tuning to do.
If your not a confident flyer, I would suggest just stick to level mode and learn to hover till you are bored with it and then do it some more.... all successfull flights end by returning to a stable hover and a quiet landing...
anyone have any idea how to remap the outputs on the APM? :-/
No idea on remapping, sounds dodgy...
Build a Y6 instead it doesn't use D7...
certainly would and will consider for the future. for the meantime I am on a mission to finish my tricopter project. Y6 brings in a new frame, double the amount of motors and propellers, wiring, new harness... etc. Sounds like fun but has a nice marginal cost to it of nearly doubling my invested $$ compared to my current tri project.
find an electronics guru who can desolder the 2560 chip from the board and swap it for a new one...
or get a multiwii pro for $35 and load MegapirateNG on it (my solution) you don't get the data flash logs. but my tri flies nicely with it..
Or if you are still learning to fly, start with a KK2 bo
ard, they are soooo much easier to set up.
PS, the lights really help with orientation, day or night...
great looking copter. how long are your flight times? I've got some purple blinkers in the front. lights are awesome.
Thankyou for your kind words. It's just my take on the Flitetest Tricopter, with a 450 heli size set of skids.
top and bottom frame are 5mm plywood and the arms are 12mm square sticks from local diy shop.
LED lighting are controlled from an RC operated switch (pass-through from the gimbal output)
Being so simple, it's easy to fix when I go too far with something...
like testing the auto land feature before alt hold works and finding it goes up, before it flips and 'lands' upside down (breaking 2 props and a couple of cable ties)
sounds like the first time I gave my tri some throttle without doing the compassmot test. It went up, tail overpowered. flipped my tri on its back (forward roll) and knocked my GPS off and I'm pretty sure blew my apm #7 output and my servo, eek... Hoping that doesn't happen again the second time if I do things properly and give it more throttle to just GET it up into the air so I can switch to loiter. What modes would you say are best to have programmed for maiden flight? Right now I have, Stabilize (as primary) then my switches take it to Loiter and Return to Launch mode, which I think will be good. any input on that? no pun intended :)