I feel a bit of a noob asking this but having had my mini quad flying quite nicely I did an autotune that appears to have unlocked the roll and pitch so I locked them again and averaged out the PIDs. I then loaded 3.1.5 after reading that perhaps this firmware was more tolerant of vibrations in a small frame but since then I have to hold pitch and roll off centre to get her to hover. I've attached a small log and a picture of the pitch and roll graph.

I've calibrated the compass, accelerometer, radio and the ECSs but clearly something is very wrong.



2015-04-11 17-07-00.log

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  • Had another small flight this evening and whilst it felt a little better, she still wants to fly backwards and to the right..

    I've attached the pitch and roll graphs and the log.. Any kind knowledgeable soul out there who might give an opinion as to what might be going on..?




    2015-04-13 19-23-10.log

    • Nobody with any ideas..?

      I tried flashing Arduplane then Arducopter 3.1.5, reset everything and still she wants to fly to the right and backwards.. She just about flies straight with full tx trim dialled in..

      Unless of course there's a fault with the AMP Mini?

      Any suggestions will be much appreciated!

      • I'm not sure why this worked but I re-loaded the params after an early autotune this separated the pitch and roll PIDs and she flew fine this evening other than motor 4 which even in a hover is making a greater demand than the other motors, see the first log attached. Does anybody know if this means that the motor or ESC is/are faulty?

        I then was about to have the last flight of the evening and she took off like a banshee after the other log attached and crashed, see second log. No damage apart from 3 props. Looking at the log, it looks like a radio failure to me but I'm no expert on logs.. Anybody got a view on this?


        1980-01-06 19-10-13.log

        • This the log from the flight before the crash..

          2015-04-19 20-02-51.log

          • It's very lonely and echoey in here.. :o(

            • You posted in the APM Plane forum with a copter question.

              • Hmm, that'll be it Scott, oops.. Thanks for pointing that out, where's an embarrassed smiley..?

                I think that the motor No. 4 issue is that the ESC for motor No. 4 is not calibrating when doing the all in one method which probably led to the original problem. The individual method will be a right pain the ass given my build.

                Still not sure what happened in the last flight last night though.

  • Just to add I did an auto trim that helped but that's clearly not a fix..

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