I was wondering if anyone has had any success with making their own ground control points?
What materials have you used? Whats the best size? Will a black cross on a white background suffice?
I could use spray marker paint but I wouldn't want to annoy the landowners!
Thanks for any help
We have been using marking paint on grass surfaces. Yes, it is a little destructive but it goes away within a week or two and we can see it easily in the photos. They make plastic sheeting just for this application, but I have never used it. Here is a link for it. . I think you would need tent stakes to keep it from blowing away. If the site is an urban site then we use existing features that have a lot of contrast, like traffic arrows in parking lot, or drain lids. I will attach some sample photos. I have also seen some people make an 18 inch disk (0.45 meter) and paint them red and white making a cross. They then place these disks on top of their ground control points, fly the site, collect the disks and then come back and locate the marks underneath the disk. I have a lot of experience surveying, but I am a newbie when it comes to drones. I hope that helped.