DIYDrones Rants and Raves

Ok guys, with all the people waiting on APM2 and all the exciting new alpha and beta releases of APM firmware coming, I think many people are starting to chomp at their bits, a little.  

To that end, I've opened up this discussion for all those with complaints.  As I've joined the Dev Team, and not at a productive stage yet, I'll monitor this discussion, and relay things to the others on the Dev Team.

These could be both hardware or software, or just general rants and raves!

Hope everyone takes advantage of this!  Maybe we'll all learn some things in the process.

Just wanted to add this response from Chris Anderson:

Please just contact and inquire about the status of your order. They are not necessarily shipped in order. For example, the unsoldered ones are shipped first, because they're faster to put together. Then soldered with GPS, then soldered without GPS (or maybe those two in reverse order, I can't remember). There are approximately 50 going out each day and the team tells me that the backlog should be over by Mon/Tues of next week. 

I agree, please use this discussion for Rants and Raves.  Order issues should be directed to 3DR directly.  I think you will get better response there.

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  • Hi all,


       Please let me begin by saying that I immensely value the individual contributions of the developers and the following criticism should not take away from the time and effort they have elected to give.

       With that said, I believe the latest happenings in firmware development and release have entered the realms of the absurd.

       How is it, that 2.3 was touted as a "final release"? After following the running commentary on various issues with 2.3 I chose not to use it and to wait instead for 2.3.1 only to find out that the developers have decided to upgrade 2.3.1 to 2.4 BETA and to release it to the wider public for testing - say again? This leads me to believe that there have been significant  changes to the code yet again, and not just fixes to the extant bugs.

       This approach may work for the people who have far more time, money and knowledge than the "average" user. I believe the average user accepts that they will have to do a fair amount of improvements on their hardware and spend time tuning their values to get good results. The approach that I have outlined in the first couple of paragraphs simply makes this impossible. For me the ideal is that once we get to a final release, I can then concentrate on making my side of things work the best it can, and after a thorough flight testing progress, actually start using the 'copter (photography, etc). This is currently made impossible by the progression I have outlined in the first paragraphs. Things simply move to fast and too chaotically for someone with maybe 10 hours a week to spare.

       Only once a fully (I know that's a relative word) debugged final version is available, should development move to include new features and improve on the finer points of the previous well performing version. 


       To conclude: I have been getting encouraging results with 2.2bX but I dare not start my whole tuning and testing program all over again, until I have some sort of confidence in a "final" release. I simply do not posses the means to put blind confidence into yet another release that is being touted as the "best one yet". I am approaching a point where I will seriously consider just biting the bullet, abandoning Arducopter and looking for another platform.





  • Moderator

    Ordered my APM2 5 Dec 2011, just over 10 weeks ago, but I have now had confirmation of shipping however shipping always seems to take a long time from DiyDrones, so I might get mine around 13-14 weeks after ordering.

    Patience apparently is a virtue...

  • I checked the Twitter feed and they did not update the last order shipped yesterday. Could we please get an update?


  • In addition to the enquiry from Greg Owen I am also wondering about the daughterboards and their placements.

    To be honest, I have been scared to ask about it anywhere fearing that I might post it in the wrong place. The other discussions surely did not make you feel free to post anything without making sure it hasnt been asked/posted in the last 50 pages.

    Regardless, here are a few questions about the product (which I cant figure out where to ask)

    Reading up I got the impression the sensor board is an interchangable module or removable shield. It is after all called a "daughter board" or a "shield" and by implication detachable. This seems not to be the case at all. Correct me if I am wrong, but the boards are completely inseperable(soldered) and one is advised against seperating them. The nice picture/diagram on might give you the impression that it is removable, but it is not.

    1. What happens if I damage a sensor or want to upgrade my sensor board? 

    2. What happens if the main board gets damaged, do I have to replace both?

    3. Can they be ordered separately and is there pricing available for the shields?

    Of course this has a big impact on your model layout and I think this information should be available and clear before you place your order.

    Thanks for making this discussion available....


  • I've been wanting to experiment with one of the 3DRobotics Optical Flow Sensors.

    I put my name on  the email notification list so that I would know when they were back in stock.

    Got the back in stock email today at 4:00 pst.

    Tried to order one today at 5:30 cst, and got the out of stock message.

    Did they sell out that fast?

    Very frustrating...


  • Now for a serious question.  When I was looking at pre-ordering, I saw that you could get the APM2.0 with or without GPS and something else. For a newbie, is there a different GPS that would be better?  I suspect the basic build is best but thought I'd ask. Thanks

  • Those of you who pre-ordered and are frustrated, just think of the poor guys like me. I procrastinated and didn't get to pre-order because I put it off. Its my own fault. This looks to be a good product and I will gladly wait for it. 

  • Ive got a complaint...... when we call 3DR   they lie to me about shipping and whats really going on.  Can you explain that?  I was clam cool and collected until I just hungup the phone (ordered Dec 6th.)   I called 3DR to inquire about the status (I was told my apm2chip would ship today) and in a single conversation I was told the following.

    1.  We have it packaged and shipping today

    2.  You might not make the batch that gets sent out today.

    3.  Notes are saying we will ship them Monday but that might change

    4.  I was suppose to be in another shipment but missed it (what does this mean?  I ordered back early DEC)

    5. They only made 30 to ship out......  thought they were making 100 a day?

    After mumbling and sounding very confused she started explaining to me how many people already have them and they were shipped in early Nov. I didn't call about what the status of other APM2's are.... im glad others have them that wont get my airplane in the sky.  the numbers above don't match up..... how do you explain that other than UN-organization on 3dr's side? 

    How about some kind of real update as to what the heck is going on at 3dr......  ???  are we actually going to get APM2's? or is this just some kind of large sick joke.  ive about had it with being told 300 diff stories and reading rumors someone with authority needs to step up and clarify some information.

    im fine with waiting ..... just tell us some information that is real    enough of the smoke n mirrors and blaming everyone else at some point you need to step up and take accountability for your actions even if you were put in a shitty situation by a vendor.   (Still no official word to your users that inquired about some kind of compensation.)

    Just my asshole opinion.


  • Fantastic idea. i am totally new in this quad/hex/octa/controllers game, and will need all help. Waiting for my preorder to reach home

  • Can you still pre-order the new board? 

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