DJI F450 Quad, pre assembly Q, confusion about BEC.

Hey guys,

I finally have everything i need to build the DJI F450 quad

ARF KIT (OPTO 30A,DJI 2212 motors, 8 and 10 in props (stock))

I understand i need 1 BEC which i ordered (Castle Creations 10A)

I guess i dont understand how to exactly hook it up and integrate it with the APM 2.5.

I got a 3S 5000mah batt as well (20-30C)

Cant someone show me some insight? My google searches were futile on the matter ..

And also which props should i use? (8 or 10in) and whats the difference?


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  • All looking good, except sometimes the quad tries to takeoff on one leg, if i give it a little more throttle it will snap out of it and hover but it will start going one way, is this a trim setting on the Tx? Balance? Level? I always take off in stabilize mode.

    (All the takeoff tests i did we're in my garage so no more than 2ft off the ground.


  • I have a similar setup. I use the 10" props.

    Do you have the power module connector option that is available? if so, one lead (thick wires) does to your DJI PDB and the other lead (thick wires) goes to your battery. The small connector connects to the PM port on the APM 2.5 (see: see my JP1 jumper is not connected......

    alternate power solutions are found at:

    For the BEC, I have flown with and without it (no problems either way). However, when installed,I wired the input directly from the DJI PDB and wired the output (5.7 vdc in my case) to the output channel of the APM 2.5., again no JP1 jumper.

    Perform a keyword search on OPTO, DJI, APM 2.5, F450/F330F550 and you will see a great deal of support.

    also, research the OPTO 30A ESCs from DJI....Calibration not required, but there is a great deal of literature.....some recommending to cut (or remove from connector) the small power wire (middle-red) that is plugged into the output channels of the APM......I did not cut my ESC power wires, but I don't have enough flight time to answer, with confidence, if I should cut the wire or not.....please research this issue in DIY Drones as well as Google and make you own decision.

    also see:

    hope this helps!

  • Anyone? Good or bad?

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