Do set servo action doesn´t work

hi all!

I have last .72 version of MP, and APM.

I program a waypoint with the Do Set Servo action , servo nº 5 , PWM: 1680 to shoot my camera, and on the end of the mission set a waypoint Do set Servo action , servo nº 5 , PWM 1398 .

It should work but the plane does the entire mission but servo PWM value remains always on 1398 !!!never change!!

It had worked well before with early versions of MP.



What i doing wrong??


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  • I think ch5-7 must respond on MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO. Must be something we don't understand or something wrong with latest software. Camera stabilization on when chX_FUNCT = 1. Why can't we trigger servos when chX_FUNCT is set on 0 or 2.

    Can enybody help who understand code.

  • I have the same issue. MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO not work at all. AMP is 1.0.74. Code is ArduPlane2.24. Please help enybody.

  • I have been testing some things about it...

    If you write 1 in RC5_FUNCT on "configuration Screen" the Ch5out on "Flight data screen/status" change from 0 to 1501, so if I set Auto mode on my rc control all system enters in Auto mode and all values change. Particulary ch5out change from 1501 (manual mode) to 1380 for exmple... and here is the strange, if I move the plane with my hands rolling it or turning to any directions, the Ch5out begins change form 1380 1700... progressively while i move the plane. I think it is wrong because "Do set servo" action must set only one value 1380 for example, and when the plane passing over do set servo place of the mission... not before.


  • Developer

    Need more info to help you.  Last I checked Do Set Servo was working fine.  Can you list the mission you are trying to run please?


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