I saw another threads about this problem, but it seems like no one cares. I mean no help from people who actually can help. So maybe this time...The problem is that I need to be capable of triggering servo manually and during missions in auto mode.…
"Just from the field.
Want to perform takeoff during auto mission with no success. The plane tends to pitch but with no throttle applied. The last time I was trying auto takeoff on 2.59 release and all was flawless. Also there is no airpeed sensor…"
"Hey Everyone
Just want to confirm problem with elevon mixing option as was suggested above. For me it isn't working at all. Only reloading previous release solve the problem."
Hi everyoneToday i was flying with my wing and had some issues.The thing is when i'm flying in FBW or stabilise mode with no throttle applied the plane tends to roll severely. I think that is connected with speed somehow because the problem…
"OK. Last day I was playing with code, and figure out that do_set_servo works perfectly on 2.22 code, when chX_funct wasn't available.
What I must do? Is this save fly with 2.22 code on board, or maybe I should change somehow the 2.24 code?"
Hi everyone.The same question was in Mission Planner branch. But no one can help.How in the title- do_set_servo doesn't work. I don't think this is scripting issue, because I'd tried all possible combinations of mixing WP's with do_set_servo. Also…
"I think ch5-7 must respond on MAV_CMD_DO_SET_SERVO. Must be something we don't understand or something wrong with latest software. Camera stabilization on when chX_FUNCT = 1. Why can't we trigger servos when chX_FUNCT is set on 0 or 2.
Can enybody…"