do_set_servo doesn't work?

Hi everyone.

The same question was in  Mission Planner branch. But no one can help.

How in the title- do_set_servo doesn't work. I don't think this is scripting issue, because I'd tried all possible combinations of mixing WP's with do_set_servo. Also setting chX_FUNCT param. in every possible ways don't help. Mission Planner is 1.0.76. Code is 2.24  

  Please help. Without this function APM is useless fo me.

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  • OK. Last day I was playing with code, and figure out that do_set_servo works perfectly on 2.22 code, when chX_funct wasn't available. 

    What I must do? Is this save fly with 2.22 code on board, or maybe I should change somehow the 2.24 code?

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