I am currently setting up to do a mapping task and have two requirements.

Geo reference the images both for mission mapping but also when i trigger the camera manually from mission planner and  mavlink I want to see exactly where I was when the shot was taken which is to say outside of being on a mission. Does this command show up on the log.

Any assistance would be welcome since i cant seem to make this show up on tests. Do I need to turn on more log recording options?

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  • Hi Colin,

    I'm using the distance trigger. As far as I know, each time the relay is triggered a log record could be written to the apm onboard log, but it has to be enabled first. Unfortunately this is disabled by default.

    See this discussion:


    • Many thanks for that Gerald you have put me on the right track. A couple of notes for anyone else following this thread the command to enable camera logging is 'enable camera' not enable cam as stated on the other thread.

      Also while  triggering the camera through channel 7 from the RC creates a log entry. Triggering the camera from mission planner using the menu available by right clicking on the map does not seem to make an entry on the log. Perhaps somebody would like to verify this.

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