Does anyone have ArduIMU+Pilot firmware ?

Hi All,


I am working on dynamics model development of my aircraft. I want to use ArduIMU+Pilot as a data acquisition hardware. I am going to disable all autopilot functions and make the board perform measurements and send it down through XBee. In order to do so, I think it will be easier to start with Doug's ArduIMU+Pilot firmware. However, I don't have the code and it is not available for download anymore.


I know Doug is busy with the development of ArduPilot 2.5.1, so I don't want to bother him with this problem. If any of you has the ArduIMU+Pilot firmware and willing to help me by sharing it, I would be very grateful.




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  • Does anyone know which version of firmware does the current ArduIMU+ V2 ship with?

    I was trying V1.5 and V1.6 but they don't appear to behave like the version that was shipped with. Is there a link where I can find that particular sketch? Thanks

  • Thanks Yves. I'll try it out.
  • Hello, looks here, there is some day, I have posted in section . Ardupilot & Arduimu with code 2.5, it works
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