I was told that the wiki here (https://code.google.com/p/arducam-osd/wiki/Cfg_RSSI) for configuring the RSSI output was not the way it needs to be done with my Dragonlink LRS. Can someone point me in the right direction as to how to set up the RSSI config please.
DragonLink V2
Thank you
That is how I have done it and made it work correctly. Just set it to raw. Save settings and hook it all up, look at the raw output on your screen with the transmitter on then turn off your transmitter, record both values. Those are your high and lows. Go back into the minimosd settings page and uncheck raw and put in your max and min values you observed. Adjust them a little - they tend to move around a bit so you would have, for example, 106% rssi value and when you turn off the transmitter, -4%, etc... but it gets the job done. Hope that helps. I do this on every DL i have.