DragonLink with NAZA problem

Hi, I am trying to get my DLV2 to work with my NAZA M2 to power up my ESC.I have a green light on my DLTX and a blue link light on my DLRX I have a wire jack coming out of the NAZA X2 port going into the 7/PPM port of my DL Mini but when I command the the motors to come on using the sticks the motors don't come on. I set the NAZA on PPM so I don't know what I am missing. As far as I know and I may be wrong a green light on the DLTX means the TX is in PPM and a blue light on the RX means it is receiving PPM signals. I don't know what I am missing.Hope someone can help,Hal------------

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  • Have you gone into the Naza setup utility and mapped your switches for things like RTH, and home/course lock modes, and checked to see if your AETR inputs actually move the corresponding sliders? I had an issue with a new craft, it wouldnt arm, and it was because my throttle was reversed. I set my model to tarot 680 on my Tx, but that older bird has a V2 on it, not a Lite, so I had to reverse a couple of channels actually.

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