I received my 3DR Iris+ about a week ago and have been flying it everyday. I've been experimenting with the DroidPlanner 2 app and have been having several issues with the "Region of INterst" feature as well as the "Circle
 feature. Has anyone else been trying these out much?


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  • I have experienced issues with these two modes (see point number 1 in my blog post http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/3dr-iris-issues). Are you experiencing the same issues?

    • long time since I tested it last time, I think it yaw'ed as expected, but not sure.

      ROI should work fine - Please note than both need pretty perfectly calibrated magnetometer to work - a little offset can fly fine, but still be off yaw.

      One test you can do, is to make a mission that flies 50 mater from you, then directly over you, and same from different direction.s - it's easy to observe then if yaw is spot on (if it flies "ahead").

      be sure to have a reliable UAV before flying over you as I suggest, or wear full body armor + helmet :)

  • Describe The problem, and expected result.
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