Drone for remote sensing. Hardware requirements

Hey Everyone. 

I am an environmental science student at the witwatersrand university in south africa. I need to create high res aerial photographs of my study site on a frequent basis.

My study site is quite large and so i thought a fixed wing aircraft that can carry a payload consisting of two camera's would be best. I currently have a small v-tail glider that i want to use as a proof of concept before I embark on a larger airframe that can carry a higher payload.

I would like to use the APM 2.5 or 2.6 autopilot system. As such I have a couple of questions regarding hardware.

Firstly. I currently have a four channel radio transmitter which runs at 35mhz, would this be sufficient? As the airframe is a v-tail I would not need a rudder and elevator control so could i just mix the channels?

Secondly, I assume that I need a dual power source? One to run the autopilot and one to run the electric motor, servo's etc?

Finally, In terms of gathering flight data. Is the telemetry kit one of those optional but vital additions? or is it possible to gather the flight data for fine tuning after the flight?



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  • Moderator

    Welcome Hayden.

    First some bad news, the four channel RC will not be enough. You will need a switch to select between modes at very least. Now how big is your study site? Repeated imaging of a couple of square km is very simple and can be carried out with a simple platform like a Bixler, but..... You are hot and high there so a slightly larger airframe might be needed to lift those cameras Good news then that HK just released a 2m version of the SSS. 

    Telemetry is optional, helps with tuning and flight following but is not vital.

    I will let others climb aboard to help as well. Christiaan is up in Pretoria and would be able to help no doubt http://diydrones.com/profile/cvanvollenstee

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