We are trying to run a simple takeoff command using DroneKit-Python. We have a lidar and an optical flow (PX4 flow) camera connected. We have disabled GPS and have successfully achieved loiter mode with no GPS. We're running APM 3.4.6. The craft successfully arms and is in guided mode. However, the craft never spins the motors faster than the arming spin speed and never takes off. The simple_takeoff command runs but doesn't seem to do anything. Would we need to raise the throttle through the code to have the motors respond? Here's another forum post that has a similar issue... however they are using the beta firmware and we like to stick with the latest stable release.
Here are our Python package versions:
> dronekit 2.9.1
> droneapi 1.5.0
> MAVProxy 1.6.1
> pymavlink 2.2.2
tldr; Dronekit can arm the drone, but the simple_takeoff command doesn't seem to do anything.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!