I got this from a conspiracy website, called No drones. If you ever wondered just how paranoid some people are about drones, check out these excerpts from the site:
Drones replacing U.S. postal service has been on the schedule for quite some time. The idea was put into place years ago by the Obama administration. Drones are here to take your employment oportunity, we just don't see it yet!
Drones are great toys. They come out handy for all sorts of work. The use of drones for U.S. postal service is just one of many possibilities. It is good to see where our tax money is going U.S. tax payers reported. We hope to see more cunning drones taking jobs in other areas shortly.
And then there is the supposed personal qoutes...
Drones have recently been used for enhanced security purposes here on campus. I feel much safer now. It is a good feeling to know that heavely armored drones are looking out for us when we're not watching. >- Gin from Berkeley
Drones are my life. Nothing gives greater satisfaction than seeing drones fly through the air. Drones are the reason for my existance. I don't know what I would study in a world without drones. They have given me a goal in life. - Alley from Harvard
We should use male staff to populate drone operation rooms at the university. Operating drones in the girls dorm is a lot of fun. -Edgart, Maricopa Community College
When I read this one I had to read it twice to believe it:
Drones with nucluar power generators aboard are not very safe! They are reportedly more likely to malfunction and fall out of your residence. Small drones used by the police departments nationwide are likely to capture accidental footage of marijuana plants in your yard. Please make it a habit not to only grow marijuana outdoors if you wish to keep free from droning trouble.
Although this one is my favorite:
- How religious cults in Arizona predict Drones will deliver Jesus
On my website you will find explanations for:
- Why liberals are into drones more than democrates
- How drones have the potential for abuse by anarchists
- How religious cults in Arizona predict Drones will deliver Jesus
- Why drones are perfect to spy on law students
- Why modular drones are more cost effective
- How drones can be charged from regular d.c outlets
- How to make your drone battery last longer
What is really sad is how many people will read this and believe it....We have an uphill battle coming, and I think that public opinion (at least some of it) is far crazier then we ever though possible.
Some more:
Hello, my name is Drones, and I would like to inform you on the new no drones policy for U.S. citizens:
Drones should be kept indoors and are no longer allowed to mingle in traffic. If you own a drone then please ensure that your drone has passed the 2013 security check at a certified drone dealer.>
Top secret information is now available on drones. Do not be fooled by others who wish to sell their drone. Drones should always be purchased in their original packaging.>
Psychological trauma caused by drone bombers and robot asessins is now covered under the Obama health care package if you pay taxes in the USA
Thank God for drones! Drones and Google face recognition definately has future. When will Google articial intelligence mainframes start controlling drones? This has saved my sanity. Drones are valueble to men kind. - Barney from NC
Drones are nothing more than remotely controlled airplanes and rockets. It should be clear drones are no toys. Drones are soon to be expected in the private sector. This will allow you to have a drone drop off your kids at school. - Carl from FL
The common understanding of drones only being used to drop bombs in warzones is a incorrect. Drones can be used for many positive purposes. This can range from mail delivery to doing your job. A>