Dual GPS auto switch?

Hi there, I have been running dual GPS's since I found out that the support had been added. But I have not seen anything in mission planner, or a log to say that the GPS switch is actually happening. Yes I have gps auto switch turned on and set both gps units to auto. I WAS using a neo-m8n as primary with a 3dr 6m as a backup. I have had a few instances where I get bad GPS health messages, and even a couple near-flyaways. I dont let that happen long enough for the ekf to catch it and correct, I always just switch to alt hold or stabilize the second I see the copter flying off course. But when those took place, it was the m8n gps that was having issues. I only had 8 sats on it with an hdop of 4-5 and the other one had 9 sats with a 2.1 hdop. So I would have thought that it would have been using the 6m gps since it had a better hdop, but there was no indication that the pixhawk switched gps signals and I continually had twitchy loiter action until I brought it down, removed the m8n and plugged the 6m into the primary port on pixhawk then changed all the params accordingly. I though maybe there was a problem with that m8n, so i hooked it up to ucenter and it seemed fine. I did change the baud rate on the m8 because it was 9600, and not the 38600 or whatever its supposed to be set at. So after I removed the m8, I flew again in the same area, and had no issues with gps on the 6m. Hook up the m8 to the secondary port, and it still flies just fine with the 6m as the primary. It should have been flying using the 6m as the backup when I had poor hdop values but it definitely was not. 

SO... my question is - Is there actually code in AC that does in fact swap over to the gps with the best hdop? Or is it a parameter that is in there, just not yet in use?

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