DX7 "Combo"--which receiver?

I bought the DX7 package from 3D with my quad kit.  When I unpacked it there were 3 receivers in the package and after puzzling over this for a while I just decided to use the biggest and baddest one (8 channel).

Question is what is the logic of three different receivers with one transmitter?  The only difference seemed to be the number of channels available.

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  • It really depends on the version of the receiver.

    AR8000? ,  AR600 ,  AR6200???

    Some Receivers have failsafe features,  And some (AR500) have undesirable failsafe features, while some may have none.

    The 8 channel RX is probably the one to go with, but this is just a guess since I don't know which specific RX units we are talking about.

    Better details will yield a better answer.

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