Eagles hunt my Skywalker!

Hi everyone,

Two years of research and dozens of hours building and tweaking and my Skywalker 1900 has finally flown  

 . Absolutely awesome. Everything seems to be working just fine at the moment( except HIL ever since upgrading from 3.4 to 3.5)

My biggest problem however are birds of prey in my area are wanting to take out my Skywalker!  I am on constant guard and now too scared to do a cross country trip for fear of not seeing my bird return in one piece or more than likely not at all. 

Has anyone else had similar problems. I would love to be able to utilise the onboard pezzo speaker to pulse a high frequency shrill at programmed intervals but I don't know how to write code. Could I put an ultrasonic sensor on the wing facing upwards to pick up the approach of these Kamikazes,and then trigger the onboard speaker somehow?

From studying these predatory beasts of the air, it seems that you either have to fly low and fast or at high altitude and nothing in between.

What solutions if any have you guys come up with?

Regards, Julian.


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    • Hi Graham, thanks for your thoughts.

      The smaller Hawks just seem to loiter in a menacing way however the much larger Wedge Tailed eagles tuck their wings in close to their body and actually come in for the kill. Picture the old German Stuka. I have lost a cheap HKing Kinetic 800 glider to one of these eagles before so I know they are not bluffing when they go into the dive. I have no choice but to switch to manual mode so I have maximum pitch available and head straight for terra firma.  I certainly don't want to play chicken with my $1200 investment to see if they are only "foxing".

      Some days in summer they can be a real menace at our local flying field. I think they are definitely worse over the hotter summer periods. So for now I'm just going to have to stay within line of sight and watch my six until i can work something out. ( Cap gun, strobe, high frequency shrill etc)




      • Moderator

        I have just the same problem and when vultures arrive on the scene I always retreat.

  • 3D Robotics

    Have you tried bright colors? Maybe orange?

    •  Bright colors don't seem to have any deterrent effect. Thought they might even be attracting them lol.

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