
I'm having an issue flying my APM (configured for a drone with no ailerons... elevator+rudder only) in HIL mode with X-plane.  It works fine in manual mode, except that the ailerons of the model are moving in response to what would be a rudder command on my drone.  And when I try to operate in fly-by-wire or auto mode the rudder goes hard-over (can still manage to keep the bird flying, albeit with severe side slip)

I had expected to see no aileron action, and only rudder servo commands simulated X-plane.

Seems like I've failed to configure something properly...   Anyone have any ideas of what I could be doing wrong?

Many Thanks,


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  • Reorder your Channel Order on your TX and you will be straight. I was messing around with my input channels and went back to the wiki and figured out that I needed to reorder and then went nuts with the aileron flipping for a long time too till I read about the dips. WIKI Page On DIP  Here is the Channel order for APM.ArduPilot_RC_Diagram2.jpg

  • Thanks Ryan,  I'll experiment along those lines.  That would make sense.  It also occurs to me that maybe I should have repeated the radio setup procedure after uploading the HIL firmware?  (I had set it up earlier for the plane, but didn't think to repeat that procedure after uploading the firmware for simulation mode...)


  • It seems your channels are mixed up.  The APM Order is Ailerons Elevator Throttle Rudder.  Your TX is most likely RETA.You need to reorder them on your TX. If you have a TH9x with ER9x I can help you. You may also find that the AIL is reversed when you go out of manual. You need to flip the 4th DIP down.  I noticed this all with ground tests.



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