Enable Airspeed not available

Im working with last mission planner but I have to upload firmware trough Arduino because I still have AT1280 chip. And the problem is that when i try to check the airspeed sensor box at hardware screen on mission planner it tells me "NOT AVAILABLE"... why??


The airplane seems to fly slow... like with some trouble with airspeed...

I hope you can help me.

Thanks a lot!


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  • I am tryting to upload the quad code through mission planner (all latest) but into a duemilanove, with an atmel 328 chip, so i guess the simulator in mission planner wount work if it's not 1280 or 2560, right?

  • had same problem.....


    was using APM 1.0.593692264023?profile=originalit shows "Not available" when i try to enable it.


    Used multimeter to test and connections were fine; had voltage running across.

  • 3D Robotics

    I'm not sure I understand why you need to use Arduino. The Mission Planner supports both the 1280 and 2560 with all current code.

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