ER9x + Rolling SW + Mavlink + PC Control ?

Hello Everybody,

i have two questions which hopefully somebody can answer:

First question:

- If i have a PC and a TG9x with the ER9x- Ardupilot Firmware, is it possible to connect both the PC (Mission Planner) as well as the Remote Control (TG9x) to the Ardupilot at the same time ?

 -> E.g. by running a Cable from the TG9x to the PC and using the same modem ? - In other words, can mavlink be used multipoint ? - Or is it only point to point ? - If so, how would i wire TX and RX ?

Second question:

- Is there a software version for the ER9x which supports also rolling switches ? - I have tried the normal ER9x, but it seems not to support e.g. to use the TRN switch as rolling switch like the SW version from GerardV. - Anyone got an idea ?

I would really highly appreciate an answer on this.



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  • @Florian

    I push the 1.08 to gv9x, try it. I remove for the ppm mod the edition of the name of the control, you must chose from a list.

    Try only in ppm mode there is no problem, maybe ppm value interact with mavlink command (They have worked with old version of APM).

    I put a sample configuration for eepe ARDUCOPTER_V12.eepe (rotary configuration : STAB, ALT_HOLD, RTL and CIRCLE).

    After you load this configuration to TG9X, connect  'APM Planer' and select 'Configuration/Setup/Modes'.

    You will see when you toggle the TRN switch the change of the mode, by default all modes is on STABILIZE. You can configure APM for matching with TG9X).

    I f you have connected the mavlink on TG9X you must see the feedback of the APM mode (the real APM mode).

    For this sample, only STAB and ALT_HOLD are matching, RTL and CIRCLE stay in STABILIZE mode.

    You can check the APM mod both on TG9X and 'APM Planer'.


    Thanks Earls, I'll try if I have a third transceiver (it will be also useful for debugging). If I can merge this version with ER9X pm me.

  • Hi Florian,


    I never try to connect APM to PC and TG9X via the same channel (telemetry).

    I just connect APM to PC (Mission Planer) via USB and TG9X via the telemetry port.

    But you told of 'ER9x-ArduPilot Firmware', this firmware was not supported by APM, It was an old ASCII Protocol.


    I wrote this addon 'rolling switch' but it was never merge to ER9x project (may be I'll contact Erez Raviv). If you are interrested you can find on GV9x project, It is a clone of ER9x with 'rolling swith' and some telemetry with Mavlink.

    I'll released this week v1.08 for somme bugs and update for the new APM software.


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