
I bought my second quadcopter and I followed assembly instruction from the following document:


After all the assembly, my APM2.5 didn't wake alive. My conclusion is that there is a 'fatal' error in the document. Could you verify my conclusion!

In the document page 11, page title "PDB assembly", the very first picture is our target. I think the wiring goes to wrong place. The Black/red wire should be attached to 5V out and GDN pins (near M1 connector) in the BDP board.

In the document's picture the wiring goes to M4 connectors + and - pins.

BR, Pesto 

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  • I thought the same during my assembly, but then learned the engineering terms and figured out you can solder it to any of the ➕ and ➖. GND and 5v out are all of them. They all, with 3dr escs, put out the same voltage. I soldered it to the GND and 5v out holes.

    sorry if this is confusing.
  • Unless there was a change, the PDB parallels all the (+) and (-) points of the ESCs.

    If you are using 3DR ESCs, it should have worked if the solder joints were good. Other ESCs may not work when paralleled.

    It should not have mattered which M connection you used.

    Something like this:

    M1   M2   M3  M4



    The signal lines are all separate. This also shown as the individual wires green, white, orange, yellow.



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