ESC calibration

I have built 3 pixhawk quads, and this is my first attempt at a (genuine :)) pixracer racing quad.

The instructions for calibration are very clear. When turning back on in calibration mode, I only get one long tune at the start and then nothing else.

I have done this 5 times. After rebooting, two of the times I had throttle control on all four motors. The other times, the throttle did nothing. When the throttle worked, the motors did not spin up to 50% mark of the stick, the other time they span up straight away. When they span up straight away, I thought maybe the calibration had worked even though I had not heard any tones. I put on the probs and promptly flipped it on the ground and broke some cheap props.

I am running AC3.3.3. I have the safety switch connected, but I am aware it does not do anything. It is an EMAX nighthawk with the ASCP4 PDB.

There is only so many times I can try the same thing. Any tips on how to trouble shoot this?

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  • This firmware on a Pixracer does not support ESC calibration.

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