"Got a pixracer on a emax nighthawk. Tried in the in flight tuning by setting a Taranis X9D dial to P for roll and pitch.
As per the instructions on the "how to" page I set the lower limit at 0.08 and the upper limit at 0.25
Wobble gets slightly…"
"Correction. Terrain following using rangefinders is in 3.4rc1
@Laser Developer - any news on if you will be supporting first and last returns?
First returns being tree top following, and last returns being terrain following. "
"In my previous post I also had this compass not calibrated warning, even though I thought it was.
My steps were: select all compass checkboxes. Power on the system with the battery as well as the USB (or the calibration numbers will not reflect the…"
"Hello Tridge
You nailed it. Got it working just now :) I achieved what you suggested in a different way.
Will be flying it for the first time today. Really looking forward to it.
The trick was I had to calibrate the compass with ALL three compasses…"
"Latest AC 3.4dev (ba3576f0) loaded. ESCs calibrate better, and all other problems I was having are gone.
Almost ready to fly (sunny today!) but now pre-arm: compass not calibrated will not allow arming.
"Able to successfully calibrate ESCs via boot with throttle high method on AC3.4dev today.
Unable with AC 3.3.4 (ccebcd30). Long tone from PixRacer then no tones from ESCs."
With expert instructions from AUAV I removed all unrecognized unused and hidden USB devices (USB Serial Bus controllers) on the Windows 10 device manager. Selected yes when promoted to remove drivers and…"
"I can also confirm that in the 1 in 20 times I can connect to the Pixracer via USB, the params download speed is sporadic. Sometimes normal, sometimes slow, sometimes does not seem to finish, when really it has."
"I've just pushed a bugfix to master that fixes ESC calibration on the PixRacer. Previously the "boot with throttle high and then reboot" method did not work as the FMU outputs did not get properly armed. Peter Barker noticed the problem on his new…"
"A few pics of our pixracer build:
EMAX nighthawk (previously had a CC3D)
FLVSS and craft and theory telemetry from battery and telem1 to Taranis
alceOSD connected to telem2
Mobius (power only since it has super capacitor).
FrSky XSR…"
I have just ordered a second pixracer and other parts from your site. Express post was chosen. The order number is 616.
Could you please contact me privately to discuss this order please?
"Tried the PX4 stack.
Qground control reports: "vehicle did not respond to requests for parameters".
Every time I have reported I have been using 3.3.3 it was in fact 3.3.4 as reported at the very top of Mission Planner.
So have tried 5 USB cables, 3…"
"OK so 3.3.4 is FW I should be focused on then, and I haven't been for the last 3 hours :-|
Thanks for the tips. Will try again tomorrow. That's me done for a late Saturday night."
"So 3 hours later...
Installed latest mission planner (.38) on 3 windows 10 PCs. 1 windows PC has the Zadig USB driver for the Taranis Plus, one might have, and the other definitely does not.
Installed AC3.4 dev on the PixRacer on one of the rare…"