
PixRacer with Ardupilot

This is a discussion to focus the feedback and support of ardupilot on the PixRacer board from

We believe that all teething problems encountered are now resolved and so we recommend people load Copter-3.3.4 which is available for all multicopters through the Mission Planner's (and other GCS's) Install Firmware screens.  Note that because regular Pixhawks are still on Copter-3.3.3 the install icon may show Copter-3.3.3 but rest assured, Copter-3.3.4 will be installed (you can check the version by looking at the very top of the Mission Planner).


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    • Can't calibrate in oneshot12 too, made it with bheli software.

    • In my previous post I also had this compass not calibrated warning, even though I thought it was.

      My steps were: select all compass checkboxes. Power on the system with the battery as well as the USB (or the calibration numbers will not reflect the power going through the system). Calibrate the compasses. Even though the message says "automatically saved" I still write params to the board.

      Then I go in and deselect the checkboxes for internal compasses. Then I write params again.

      Worked for me to get rid of "compass not calibrated" error even though I thought I had.

      • Compass #3 got marked as  'use_compass'?

        Had the same problem a few posts back... 

        If you've spent enough time with AC you know that sometime during firmware update settings get changed though you never changed them yourself. 

        The best course of actions is to have a backup file of your settings, than if AC acts weired after a firmware upgrade just reset all params to default in full parameter list, write, reboot and load your saved file back on... now, you need to have this file "prior" to the situation otherwise you'll be uploading the same boguous params. Its not pixracer fault amd i am not sure it is even AC fault, maybe some eeprom gets affected by the firmware upgrade process... its definitely not "every time" but does happen occasionally. 

        • Developer

          Although I've heard of parameters being changed without a user being aware of the change, my feeling is that it's a ground station issue.  I've personally never seen evidence showing a parameter value changed incorrectly as a result of a firmware upgrade.  I think if people are worried about this I think saving the parameters to a file as Artem suggests is a good idea.  We can then compare the parameters before and after the upgrade.

          I don't however think it's a good idea to blindly upload all parameters from that saved file.  Uploading a couple hundred is totally fine but uploading all 450+ parameters is not a good idea.  The reason is that, a bit like an overbooked airplane, we don't actually have room in eeprom to store a unique value for every parameter so it risks filling the eeprom.  When the eeprom is full, it won't crash or anything, and sadly there's actually no warning (adding this is on the to-do list) but it simply won't be possible to update a parameter (or rather it will be updated but when you need restart the board it will revert to the old value.

          I don't want to cause a panic, in reality most people update less than 10% of all parameters and there's actually never been a recorded case of someone filling up the eeprom.  I just want to pass on that uploading all parameters from a file is not a great idea.  It's better to do it more selectively (like upload the compass and accel calibration params and maybe the attitude control parameters. i.e. COMPASS_, INS_ and ATC_ parameters)

          • For uploading the params I always use "compare" button, this way I see what has changed anddo not miss the benefits of new defaults and only upload the relevant stuff. 

            • Developer


              Yes, that's what I do too.  That's a good way to do it.

          • Hi Randy, interesting, do you happen to know if you use MP or APM Planner and load parameters from a file, does it unconditionally load all parameters from that file to the eeprom, or does it compare the defaults and only upload what it needs to, where they differ from the defaults?

            • Developer


              It only updates the parameters that are different from the defaults and/or different from the current values in eeprom.  The danger is just that for the non-integer parameters the rounding of decimal points could make the number appear slightly different than they really are.  For integer parameters there's actually no risk.

              • So, if you change one or some params in new firm to improve performance of that firm and We only update We loose that change? not to loose it, compare params looks the best technique to update? thank's for the tip guys.

                • Developer

                  Not sure I totally understand the question but as much as possible we automatically convert any parameters you've changed as part of the firmware upgrade.

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