esc calibration thru APMPlanner HELP



After a long wait, my APM+IMU finally arrived (took a snail mail pace after Chris A delivered it through rabbit express ... thanks Chris). Successfully loaded the 2.33, calibrated my radio and the accels through APMPlanner.


Now its time to calibrate the esc so issued the "MOTORS" command through the APMPlanner terminal. Pressing ENTER, the cursor moved down one line but no visual prompt on what to do.


Thinking the calibration is the same as in Arduino when doing RC2 or the pirates code, went on to put the throttle to maximum, attached the ardu lipo battery, the familiar two beeps series came up, drop the throttle to minimum and the motors beep. Since nothing happens on the terminal, press ENTER and the screen return to the familiar setup prompt. Disconnecting the usb after shutting down the APMPlanner, cycle back power to the ardu and increasing throttle, nothing happens ... any insights ...




note: was looking at Jani's video but can'r seem to figure out if visual prompt came up when the motors command was issued!

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  • With the motors command you can only test if your motors work... you write motors, the cursor goes down one line and with your roll/Nick stick on your tx you can now see if all 4 motors spin... DO WITHOUT PROPELLERS

    It has nothing to do with the calibration...

    here is how you calibrate your escs:

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