ESC's Refusing to Arm

Okay guys, another noob here with ESC issues. Assembled Arducopter kit from jDrones, and everything appeared to be working well hardware-wise. ESC calibration process appeared to work, at first. I advanced the throttle to maximum, and powered up the APM with the LiPo connected. Listened to the beeps, and pulled back throttle to zero.


Performed motor test, and all the motors were starting and turning in unison, although some directional adjustments will have to be made.


When the board is rebooted with the LiPo, I am unable to arm the ESC's. I checked to be sure the yaw stick wasn't reversed (the remote is a Futaba 6J six-channel). Output parameters from the remote calibration are as follows:


Ch.2 1106|1930

Ch.3 1103|1930

Ch.4 1107|1930

Ch.5.  966|2073

Ch.6 1364|1365

Ch.7 1500|1500


Love the forum so far and the community, and any help would sure be appreciated, I am just at wit's end with this.



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  • Developer

    * check to see if your throttle "trim" on your RC has moved at all since you calibrated your motors. if it has, then move it back.    alternatively, since the arming routines look to see if your throttle is set low enough, try moving your throttle trim all the way to the bottom, and see if re-arming works then.   either way, remember to return the trim to the centre.

    * try re-calibrating each ESC one-by-one by connecting them directly to the RC on the throttle channel ( avoiding the APM entirely).  make sure trims are centred when doing this.


    *try re-calibrating the radio extremities ( the bit where you push the RC sticks to their extremes ), and make sure you hold the stick/s at each of their extremes for 5+ seconds, so you can get the true maximum value it ever fluctuates to.


    * if all else fails, do a 'reset' and 'erase' of the firmware, and start over with a clean slate.   :-)



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