ESC won't calibrate and constantly beeps

Hi, all..

Here's the situation before i tried to calibrate:

2 (out of 4) of my ESC constantly beeps after boot, like around 1 beep/second (or slightly slower). But then i just thought it just needs to be calibrated.

I'm following this:

Auto calibration doesn't work.. When i tried calibrating manually based on this, it gives the same constant beeps; even if i move throttle up and down. Also, all the motors don't spin during calibration; is this how it's suppose to be?

Does anyone know what my problem(s) is/are?

Thanks a bunch, guys..

PS: i'm a kid. I sure am a newbie..

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  • Not sure if this helps anyone, just happened to me:-

    I had similar issues - just converting from another FC to my first Arducoter - many issues with ESCs, kept recalibrating RX, and ESCs (using the altogether method). At one point two motors ran! The beeping was driving me nuts!

    Kept checking connections - all good!

    Then only the power lamp on the FC would light...... Mmmmm!

    WHAT A NOOB! I had a flat battery! (Should have been fully charged) How stupid did I feel?

    Once changed it all worked like a dream!

    BTW The charger refused to charge it, but STORAGE mode works, it's charging now :) I'll bring it up to sensible levels and then use normal charging.


    problem solved..

    It was such a simple matter that overlooked. The 3-plug (white-red-black) connecting the ESC to the PDB had to be flipped, or was accidentally flipped (doesn't matter). The solution is: the 3-plug white-red-black should be connected to the PDB with the orientation of white (leftmost) - red (middle) - black (rightmost) ..

    Wow, went through so much trouble cause of this.. Thanks everyone!! all the advice led me finding the problem.

    And for Andrea, you might wanna check those cables as well..

    Cheers guys!

  • Hi Haikal,

    I read this little forum thread and there's one thing that may have been missed. When you set up a new copter, or install new firmware, it knows if the radio transmitter (the remote) is set up or not. The APM needs to know what all the minimum, maximum and center values are that your controller is sending so that it knows what you're telling it.

    Calibration is a word that gets used a lot, and it applies to two things. It applies to the ESCs so that they each individually know what is maximum and minimum (the manual part, connected to throttle on the receiver). It applies to the overall, or automatic ESC calibration with the APM (the part with the battery plug/unplug and moving lights on APM) It also applies to the radio calibration in the mission planner. If you haven't set up the radio you get this:

    Make sure you do the radio setup from the screen that looks like this:


    Make sure after you move all the sticks and click done, you put them all, including the throttle, in the center. A message will tell you that. Click on OK, and the beeping should stop.

  • Moderator

    If you have a computer transmitter then the end points are adjustable, don't worry if not as they are then set at 100%

  • I had trouble calibrating after loading the latest code last night.

    Make sure your radio is calibrated first is my only suggestion.

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