I just ordered HexTronik DT700 for my hexacopter from HobbyKing but the ESCs I need are out of stock. I only need a 20A ESC but I can't find them anywhere in stock and it seems pointless to get a 40 or 50A. Any suggestions on some reputable vendors? I also need 2 batteries and 11x4.7 props, it would be great to find everything at one store but ill take whatever suggestions I can get. The HK page says a max battery of 1300mAh but I should be fine hooking a 11.1v 5000mAh battery right? I just want a flight time of 20minutes and its looking like my frame will weigh somewhere between 700-900g minus the motors. Thanks so much.
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HK is a bit annoying - they constantly seem to be out of stock of about 1/3 of their listed items.
I have a tricopter with DT750 motors and run Turnigy Plush 30A ESC's. While they are a bit oversize, they run quite cool and are happy with high rate PWM. They are also currently in stock at HK!
For props, I'd highly recommend APC. Some of the ones on the HK site are rubbish and break at the first touch of grass or similar. The APC are a bit more, but they are much stronger and are much more efficient as well. DIYDrones have them in pusher/puller pairs for $8.
HK are good for batteries. My tri weighs 1.3kg all up and runs a 3S 2650 mAh that lasts for about 8 mins on average. You have twice as many, slightly less powerful motors and will probably be a bit heavier than that. Guesstimating, your 5000 mAh battery might be good for 10-12 mins and two batteries might make it to 18 mins.