Extra Mode request for Jason Short

Hi Jason!


Would it be possible to have a modified altitude hold mode, but with the capability of changing altitude?

Bear with me ;)


Lets say the copter is on the ground and the throttle is at 0%. We select alt_hold2.

Increase the throttle to 50%. The copter starts up but doesnt take off.


We increase the throttle to say 70%. The copter takes off slowly then starts to climb.

We reduce throttle to 50%. It then holds the alttitude its at.

We reduce the throttle to 30% and it decends.

We again go back to 50% and it holds that altitude.


I tried to explain it as simply as I could to avoid confusion. Mainly my own ;)


I guess the summary would be an altitude hold mode that we can change manually change the altitude using the throttle.


0-40% throttle - copter decends

40-60% throttle - copter maintains altitude

60-100% throttle - copter climbs.


Settings for the mode could be the ability to change the above figures and the rate at which the copter climbs or descends.


What do you think?



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  • I run 2.0.49 and I can adjust height in alt.hold mode using throttle stick. The only problem is that I have to give 100% throttle to activate this, and it's very violent behaviour. There is no in between, just full power upwards.

  • Perhaps another channel would be better? I am careful not to movey throttle while in ALT_HOLD so i dont accidently drop like a stone when i disengage. I like the idea though.
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