FAA grants COA to sheriffs office in Mesa

Baby steps...note that COA restrictions are (almost) same as for RC planes

"The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has granted the Mesa County,Colo., Sheriff’s Office a Certficate of Authorization (COA) to conducttest and evaluation flights of a small unmanned aircraft for one year......

The COA allows the Sheriff’s Office to fly the X6 in an area two milesin diameter, five miles southeast of the Grand Junction RegionalAirport, with an operational ceiling of no more than 400 feet aboveground level. The flights must stay within visual range and take placeonly in daylight, and local air traffic must be notified 24 hour and 15minutes before flight. The office must also file a Notice to Airmendescribing specific flight operations."

From AUVSI news

Also info from Draganfly

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  • T3
    They could have joined the AMA....but progress non the less...
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