Failures of joystick level at the good level of signal

I noticed a strange failsafe few times, whilst flying with joystick for large distances. It happens in the following way: sometimes instead of real data in log-file there are middle values written on Roll/pitch and minimum value on throttle after that failsafe start (maybe because of the level of gas which is below set in throttle failsafe). This situation lasts from part of second to 2 seconds, after that again in a log-file I have correct information. Thus I continue to get a telemetry (quality of signal is 99% in MP) and on chart (both telemetry and dataflash) the level of RSSI and RemRSSI signals is sufficient (though there is some lowering of signal).
It happens on relatively large distance (from 5 km and farther), but, as I told, the level of signal is high, information in MP brush up without freezings, also, I flew on these modems (RFD900) on much more distance at a management on RC and telemetry remained stable. My concern is, if it happens because of loss of packages, why does firmware sets signals in a default level? If packages in general did not come, failsafe would start only in 5 seconds, but because throttle sets in the lowest level (position), failsafe works immediately.

Is it possible that there is some bug in subroutine of management through a joystick? Is it possible to set
logging of Mavlink messages entering the copter (for eaxample, heartbeat or raw data)?



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