Hi guys.Got a trouble with my Pixhawk clone. When I press safety switch px4io is gone - all IO LEDs is turn off and not light until switch still pressed.When I release a switch then IO PWR LED is light on, IO B/E LED is steady (it mean error) IO ACT…
Hi all. I think I found a bug in 3.2.1 firmware. Yesterday when I flied with not strong wind my octa (18” props, over 10 kg of weight) tilted made roll with 70 angle, with ANGLE_MAX = 3000. In logfile DesRoll on this moment equals 30 angles. A bit…
"Thanks for your anwer. I'll try to simplify my question. I have a copter that flies good with 3.2.1 and flies bad with 3.3.2. I understand it is caused by EKF. But EKF is made for CORRECTION of all inaccuracies and sensors, but it makes situation…"
"Hi. Yes, of course I use EKF in 3.3.2 and yes EKF bar go from green to red. As i write above I use only external compass (with external and intyernal copter not arming).
BUT it show warning even before I Arm a motors. And if I have so bad magnetic…"
Hello,I tried to fly with 3.3.2 and I can see a lot of EKF warnings about compass. This copter flies perfectly with 3.2.1 and didn't show any mistakes. With 3.3.2 I had to switch off internal compass, because with it the copter refused to arm…
HelloDoes anybody know whether Arducopter has an algorythm of coming back to normal position, after the coup down with props?Duly my octa, on tranzition from RTL to Stabilize, because of piot's mistake (gas was at the null) made a coup with props…
"BTW, had another crash copter on 3.3-RC8. It's Pixhack too.
It's quad V-tail. Fly good in stab and Althold but after few minutes its made crazy and go to ground in angle ~45 rgad.
Log in attach. I think this because high vibration too.
Still wait…"
"Igor, yes exist original Pixhack and fake. I use original with aluminium case. But I think original whatever need external anti-vibration platform on big frame.
Artem, у меня точно оригинальный, во-первых в аллюминиевом корпусе и фирменной коробке,…"
"Ok, I leave this frame for testing RC9. And now I assembling new frame same as previous but with anti-vibration platform and try to check in with AC3.3
Thanks for support."
"У меня оригинальный, купленный напрямую у производителя. Разбирал - там все надежно. Да и уровень вибраций IMU очень хороший (обычно я летаю с худшими вибрациями), а вот для IMU2 вибрации запредельные (я правда не уверен, что для него теже границы…"