Hi guys.
My "octa" behaves strange in RTL mode. It flies a little bit in home direction with ascent, then stops, reduces altitude up to initial and again flies in home direction with ascent. It's a "stairs" flight (please, have a look at flight scheme attached from Google Earth).
Duly it was rather windy ( approximately 5-7 m/s) and the copter came back home against a wind. Thus the small quadrocopter (450 mm, 11" props) in the same conditions flied perfectly.
Basic data: octa, diameter on an axis of motors of 120 cm, Pixhack, motors 5008-340kv, props 17", AC 3.2.1
Please let me know how to change PIDs/gains that the copter can fly normally in RTL mode.
Thanks in advance,
Is terrain-following working in the copter code now? I know it is in the plane code and would explain that sort of behavior.
Do you have terrain-following enabled?
Thanks Scott. You right - this is TERRAIN FOLLOWING issue, thanks
I'm not sure is it. But in my config I have
and not found TERRAIN_FOLLOW, so I think it can be enabled only in 3.3
strangely - Desired Alt is same as Real Alt and both with "stairs" (see pic), so why firmware want to do this stairs?