Faulty me or Pixhawk?

Guidance/insight sought.  I initially achieved successful Pixhawk set up and operation after meeting a steep learning curve requirements.
Success required I begin "from scratch", including re-flashing firmware for all components (Pixhawk, ESCs).  I navigated past earlier encounters where hanging at the last MP wizard step (arming) blocked completion without adverse event.  The Pixhawk would initially arm and then spontaneously disarm itself.  I proceeded by clicking through the wizard and then opening the Flight Data tab.  This approach yielded arming and operation of the Pixhawk, including throttle power control to the motors both before and after adjustments to achieve correct motor spin direction.
Numerous , repeated unsuccesful approaches to resolve hanging at the arming step of the wizard were performed prior to achieving reproducible success.  
Full Pixhawk operation as anticipated was reproduced multiple times without the propellers attached.  (closing//reloading of MP and powering off/on the Pixhawk with and without USB cable attachment).  Radio and telemetry functioned normally.  It appeared only top plate attachment to the frame and propeller attachment were required before flight use remained.
I powered off all components, closed MP and attached the propellers and top plate of the copter frame without issue.  No manipulation of the connections or components were required.
Successful arming of the Pixhawk has been denied since this time.  I now repeatedly hang at a flashing yellow main light occurring with loud 10 to 12 beep sequences of the Pixhawk (available material indicates this is a low battery alarm).  The flashing yellow light and beeping do not occur when the Pixhawk is booted and attached to the USB cable.  Arduplanner freezes, but Mission Planner appears to function normally.  When I disconnect the USB cable the flashing and beeping begin after approximately fifteen seconds.
I had encountered this activity a couple of times before my initial success.  I believed it related to variance within my approach.  It appeared to resolve after my  re-flashing of firmware and reprogramming of the ESCs.  I also had begun keeping a written log detailing my sequences and precise actions.
Therefore, I returned to the path leading to first operational success (but without the frame top plate or propellers attached).  This included re-firmware and re-calibrating/programming of the ESCs.  However, no successful operation is achieved. I consistently arrive at the final wizard (arming) step.  Now, however, advancing through the wizard menu and opening the Flight Data tab does not yield arming or operation of the Pixhawk.  It is as though no signal to arm is being received (despite repeated radio calibration).  The earlier phenomena where the final wizard step exhibited transient arming/spontaneous disarming of the Pixhawk no longer occurs.
I am at a loss how to proceed.  I am unable to identify alternative approaches.  I am now considering the possibility I may have (or caused) faulty Pixhawk operation.
Please consider referring me to additional information enabling alternatives to achieving Pixhawk set up and operation.  It's possible I missed relevant information.  It's also likely the demands to for Pixhawk use exceed my (current) technical ability.
I have downloaded and saved log files.
My copter set up is:
  • A 2013 3DR 2013 Arducopter kit and electronics package including a quad power board, power module, 3DR  Ubox GPS and compass, 20A Opto ESCs, blue 3DR motors, and 3DR supplied propellers.
  • Radio telemetry purchased from 3DR.
  • An unused 3DR PPM encoder.
  • A new Spektrum DX7s with an AR8000 receiver/satellite.
I've re-verified all connections and circuits with a Fluke multi-meter.  All batteries are balanced and deliver appropriate voltages.  I am unable to identify other, electrical  or software issues.  All methods for set up and operation are diligently adhered to, save for the arming work around described above.

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  • 3D Robotics

    Have you connected the Safety Switch and pressed it so it's solid red? It won't work if you don't do that. 

    • Yes. Should have noted I did this. Thanks.
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