Faulty pressure sensor on the Ardu Pilot Mega IMU

I've made some flights today with my hexa (2.0.46 firmware version).


The problem is that even if i the flight was sometimes at 10-15m on the kmz file/log the altitude reported by the baro was max 1-2 m.

 I don't have a sonar installed.


How can i check to see if the baro is dead ? It can be replaced ?


I've attached the log and kmz file. I will upload a video soon. 


Thanks for your oppinions / help.

2011-10-04 07-31 4.log

2011-10-04 07-31 4.kmz

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  • Hi Alex,

    The values should change for the tests that you've tried. You can also check to see if the ADC chip is working correctly: try running the ADC test in CLI mode and see if the gyro values are normal (around 1600)? If the gyro values are incorrect (i.e. 0 or 1) then there may be a problem with the ADC chip. If the gyro values are fine, then the pressure sensor is likely the problem.

  • Try to go to test -> altitude in CLI mode via APM Planner terminal for instance and see what it will show you...

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