FBL systems + APM, can I use both ?


I have been using APM on planes for a while now and I want to try it on a FBL heli. Reading some threads I got the impression you guys use the APM (or Pixhawk,PX4) without the usual FBL electronis like V-Stabi, Beast, etc. correct ?

When APM goes crazy on flying missions with planes I switch to manual mode and everything is fine. Can I have this option on FBL helis as well ? Can I take any FBL heli and add an APM and switch it in and out of control during flight ?

I don't trust APM or any other autopilot 100% - what would you recommend for waypoint missions:

1) FB heli and APM or

2) FBL heli and APM plus FBL electronics like V-Stabi, Beast, etc. or

3) FBL heli and APM

and why would you choose 1,2 or 3 ?


Thank You for your help .



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  • The APM (or rather, the Arducopter firmware) is designed to fly the heli directly, with no external devices.  We do have vestigial code to allow an external tail gyro, but that's been on the chopping block for a while.

    I'm not sure that Arducopter "going crazy" is much of a concern?  Does it really happen that often on airplanes?  I can't remember the last time I thought "gee, I wish I had manual control of this heli".  

    The only answer is 1 or 3, and simply because there is absolutely no support for running Arducopter through a FBL controller.  If you must have manual control, then FB would be the way to go.

    • Hi Rob,

      I forgot to mention that I am flying in areas with VERY limited GPS coverage and I have to fly close to terrain. "APM goes crazy on flying missions" usually means I loose GPS (please excuse my limited English). Why not switch back from auto to stabilize mode you will ask - in Arduplane that took up to 15 seconds (I learned it the hard way), while switching to manual or RTL worked immediately.

      I would fly a mission in auto mode and when I encounter GPS problems I would like to switch immediately (=no delay) to a flying mode which keeps the heli level, to make it easy for me to bring the heli back to launch.

      Does that work in Arducopter/Arduheli ? If yes, which flying mode(s) do you recommend ?



      • Ok, so Stabilize mode is probably what you want, or Acro could work.  Acro behaves like just like a flybarless controller.  Full manual control over everything.  Not direct control pass-through like I believe airplanes have, but there is no GPS interference.

        Stabilize is similar, but it is manual control with self-stabilizing.  No GPS influence. It sounds like this is what you want. Both of these modes come into effect immediately after switching from a GPS mode.  There is virtually zero delay.  

        Oh, and Alt-Hold is also a good mode.  It's auto-collective, but manual self-stabilizing on cyclic.  I probably fly in that mode more than anything if I'm just flying around.

        • Hi, Rob

          I have been watching traditional heli forum quite some time now. Since ulfrafuge asked you similar question (and He seems to have his solution now) I , just for the sake of curiosity, want to ask if this is possible without much trouble.

          (servos and ESC) ---- (Gyro) --- sbus out --- (Pixhawk) --- sbus in ---- (R7008SB)


           Since I already have various kinds of 3D gyros I am wondering if I can use pixhawk as a bailout system.

          (1) 3gx APS system is this way, (and reported quite a few crashes)

          (2) DJI aceone, naza H : Gyro + GPS (still VERY expensive)

           for aerial photos -- Now I understand that this is all possible with Pixhawk.

          (3) skookum : Gyro + GPS (expensive and rare people use it, 3D possible but limited range)

           for bailouts

          Will it be possible to make pixhawk as 3D bailout system? (1) alone or (2) using above stupid approach? (I read an article, changing from ACRO mode to GPS mode will take more than 15 seconds ... due to GPS locking. Then this approach may not possible)

          One more question. Is there a compatible but more accurate GPS other than LEA-6H available?

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