Feature Request

When I open the APM Planner and go to the mission planner tab, I have the map of the world show up.


My question is, can you add a right click option or something of the sort, so that I can zoom in(to a decent level) to my home position.I don't like that I have to always start from World view and work my way down to local, see where I'm flying view in relation to "home". And If when I head to the field and set a new home position, have the map automatically zoom into that new "home" position so I can begin planning a mission etc...


Just a thought...something like that would be nice.

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  • Developer

    yer thats fixed in.49 i removed it for about 47-48, then added it back cause it anoyed me to.

  • Developer

    what version are you using? if your home location is set, the map screen does autozoom to your home location

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