First flight and setup

I built a Jdrones Quadcopter kit.


I've done all the setup and it has some strange behavior.


When I apply throttle to take off it tilts to the back and to the left.


Will almost full forward and full right stick commands it will almost hold level.

Not quite enough stick travel to make it go forward or right, but it will just about get to level.

Yaw seems to work correctly.


If I hold it over my head aqnd advance the throttle, the motors seem to do the right thing when I tilt it to correct.


I've re run the level command several times.

Ive checked that the system is reading the radio correctly and it reports 0+/- 25  for sticks neutral.

via the command line test -> raqdio command.

The test ->imu seems to be behaving correctly.


A dump from the device is attached.


The CLI setup does not seem to support the PID command.

I also can't seem to get the logs to dump. It reports it has a log, but every time

I try to dump one either from the terminal window or from the mission pllanner app it says bad log number.


My guess is I might have an early/wrong firmware version, how do I get a new one?


I'd also like to do some software development on the platform, what is the process for doign that?

IE just point at the apprropriate doc if such exists.












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