Just wondering if anyone here has heard of APM1.4 units becoming bricked after updating to the latest FW revision via the MP?

It just happened to me, well not actually bricked, but stuck in a constant resetting loop where you can hear the relay clicking on and off periodically, when connecting to the MP the logs show the unit is looping and resetting, no MAVLINK packets are transmitted or received. Previously the APM was used on a large hex, but I decided to make a little quad for fun and upload the latest FW... 

The strangest thing is, I can still upload firmware to the board, and access *most* of the console test procedures, one to note was the compass test made the board hang, but when trying to use the bog standard "connect" to access the telemetry it just gets stuck in the loop. 

I also tried uploading the older 2.7.x versions to no avail, still gets stuck in the loop.

Well at least I was kinda thinking about going for the new PX4, so this has made the final push to upgrade.

Tanks for your time and comments (if any),


(my apologies for the MP console text dump)


INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0

INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.Exception: Ti
at ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.readPacket() in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\Mavlink\MAVLink.cs:line 2182
bps 0 loss 0 left 0 mem 55.43359375

Init ArduCopter V3.0.1

Free RAM: 1951
FW Ver: 120

load_all took 8100us

Init ArduCopter V3.0.1

Free RAM: 1951
FW Ver: 120

load_all took 8100us

Init ArduCopter V3.0.1

Free RAM: 1951
FINFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket No valid mavlink packets
bps 0 loss 0 left 80 mem 55.55078125
W Ver: 120

load_all took 8100us

Init ArduCopter V3.0.1

Free RAM: 1951
FW Ver: 120

load_all took 8236us

Init ArduCopter V3.0.1

Free RAM: 1951
FW Ver: 120
---------------------------------INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket
No valid mavlink packets
bps 0 loss 0 left 35 mem 55.66015625
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - 839 Start connect loop

load_all took 8144us

Init ArduCopter V3.0.1

Free RAM: 1951
FW Ver: 120

load_all took 8144us
armedtime 0 disttraveled 0 gpslocktime 0 timeinair 0
connects 9 connectedtime 454 maxalt -1.79769313486232E+308 minalt 1.797693134862
32E+308 mahused 0
connecttime 9/09/2013 6:59:27 PM disconnecttime 9/09/2013 6:52:31 PM maxspeed 0
avgspeed 0

Init ArduCopter V3.0.1

Free RAM: 1951
FW Ver: 120

load_all took 8144us

Init ArdINFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket No valid mavlink packets

bps 0 loss 0 left 23 mem 55.80859375
uCopter V3.0.1

Free RAM: 1951
FW Ver: 120

load_all took 8144us

Init ArduCopter V3.0.1

Free RAM: 1951
FW Ver: 120

load_all took 8144us
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.Exception: Ti
at ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.readPacket() in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\Mavlink\MAVLink.cs:line 2182
bps 0 loss 0 left 0 mem 55.91015625
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.Exception: Ti
at ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.readPacket() in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\Mavlink\MAVLink.cs:line 2182
bps 0 loss 0 left 0 mem 55.95703125
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - 567 Start connect loop
armedtime 0 disttraveled 0 gpslocktime 0 timeinair 0
connects 9 connectedtime 459 maxalt -1.79769313486232E+308 minalt 1.797693134862
32E+308 mahused 0
connecttime 9/09/2013 6:59:27 PM disconnecttime 9/09/2013 6:52:31 PM maxspeed 0
avgspeed 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.Exception: Ti
at ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.readPacket() in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\Mavlink\MAVLink.cs:line 2182
bps 0 loss 0 left 0 mem 56.00390625
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.Exception: Ti
at ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.readPacket() in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\Mavlink\MAVLink.cs:line 2182
bps 0 loss 0 left 0 mem 56.0478515625
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.Exception: Ti
at ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.readPacket() in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\Mavlink\MAVLink.cs:line 2182
bps 0 loss 0 left 0 mem 56.0947265625
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.Exception: Ti
at ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.readPacket() in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\Mavlink\MAVLink.cs:line 2182
bps 0 loss 0 left 0 mem 56.1259765625
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - 383 Start connect loop
armedtime 0 disttraveled 0 gpslocktime 0 timeinair 0
connects 9 connectedtime 464 maxalt -1.79769313486232E+308 minalt 1.797693134862
32E+308 mahused 0
connecttime 9/09/2013 6:59:27 PM disconnecttime 9/09/2013 6:52:31 PM maxspeed 0
avgspeed 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.Exception: Ti
at ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.readPacket() in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\Mavlink\MAVLink.cs:line 2182
bps 0 loss 0 left 0 mem 56.1806640625
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLINK: 1 wait time out btr 0 len 0
INFO ArdupilotMega.MAVLink - MAVLink readpacket read error: System.Exception: Ti
at ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.readPacket() in c:\Users\hog\Documents\Visual Studio
2010\Projects\ArdupilotMega\ArdupilotMega\Mavlink\MAVLink.cs:line 2182

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  • Admin


    Does the new firmware still make use of the "fly-test" switch on the APMs Oilpan? If so, have you tried playing with that switch's position?


    TCIII Admin

  • Hi, I have an APM 1.4 and have upgraded to 3.0.1 without any problems.

This reply was deleted.
