
  • is that not the way, but I wanted to see and I can not find solution: in the apm 1.4 load new V2.3.0 ArduPPM ATMega328p.hex ppm encoder. all loads fine but the blue LED blinks fast, and no radio signal. working correctly before loading the new ppm. ppm loading the old solid blue LED and no radio signal. some solution
    Thank you.

  • * The old old PPM encoder firmware did not so Sum PPM pass through

    * There are some recent fail-safe changes

    There may be other changes, but AFAIK no major screaming differences to what was shipped on the board.

  • If your RX drops the throttle signal rather than setting a valid low signal when it goes out of range you will want the new firmware.  AFAIK this is mainly the stock 9X system.  

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