Firstly let me say I am a newbie so bear with me. I have a Quanum Nova and use my own Tx (Taranis) and Rx (FrySky). Set up 6 flight modes using Mission Planner and have got them all working well even completed some missions on auto - very happy. Fitted my 2D gimbal and camera and although it flies well in Stabilise mode the other modes (PosHold, RTL, Drift etc.) do not behave as they should. Same thing happens if I fit the larger DJi props. If I go back to standard props and no camera everything works well. Do I need to re calibrate with camera attached. Any help welcomed. 

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  • Thanks Peter. The most notable change was in PosHold and Loiter with the vehicle seeming to initially try to stay in position although very jerky and then it just slides out of its position. Flying conditions were ideal i.e little or no wind. Strange thing is that it does it even with the bigger props on and yet if I go back to the standard props it all works fine. The Initial Config in Mission Planner doesn't mention anything about doing the setup with different weights and encourages the removal of props for safety reasons however maybe I should go through the setup with the gimbal and camera attached.

  • You don't say how the behaviour changes and under what flying conditions. 

    Depending on the weight of the gimbal relative to the rest of the airframe the performance could change. 


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