Hello!Since I'm new at building quads, I thought this info might come handy to others like me that own either a FLIP FPV or a Flip 360 with a Pixhawk ot APM 2.6... I have 0 experience at PID settings and find it complicated to get my tuning right; however thanks to some guy int YouTube that was kind enough to share his FLP FPV PID settings I was able to at least get my quad up on the air and lock "Alt Hold" and do a "Autotune" :)
I understand that my settings might not work with other FLIP FPV or FLIP 360 because they would have to be an exact replica to act the same way, but these settings are better than trying to figure out something relativity unknown to guys like me with no experience whats so ever.
So this is why I would like to share my settings with others like me, so they can get a jump start and start having some fun... to me its been a learning experience... :)
By no means do I claim that my settings are 100% right but at least I'm able to fly my quads now...
FLIP 360
QAV 250 - With APM 2.6
Thanks to all the guys here at DIY Drones!! You guys have help me get through some of the major bumps I've encounter!! ;)
What Radio and RX are you using on your QAV250 and PIXHAWK?