Flip on takeoff

Hi Guys,

Just wondering if someone might know what's happening here.

I just got around to loading the AC2 code and reconfiguring my quad build after a few weeks away.

Before this I have been flying with the Ardupirates code with no problems.

Everything seems to checkout in the terminal and I have double checked my props to make sure I haven't put the pushers where the pullers should be etc.

When I try to take off the quad immediately flips over. Always in the same direction.

Am I missing something simple ?

I'm flying in x-mode with the APM facing forward between the forward arms. Before I always flew + mode.

Any help would be appreciated.



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  • u4eake, I'm pretty sure I did. However in trying to track down this problem I've effectively taken the quad completely apart. As I'm rebuilding today I will make sure to follow the AC2 Wiki in case that's what happened.
  • Maybe a faulty motor connection.  have you tried a run up holding it.  the motor(s) might run ok under low load conditions.  If you do this be very very careful.

  • Developer

    you most likely missed a step in configuration and your radio is sending a full pitch or roll command. 

    Open the CLI in Arduino IDE and setup your radio there. Then run the tests to confirm it's working. While your there, run 'level' as well in setup.



  • 3D Robotics
    Run the "motors" test in the CLI to see if you've got APM pointed between the right arms. It's sounds like you've got it off by one.
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