Flipping tendency even during startup



I am having some strange trouble with my arducopter.

I am using the 880kv motors.

As i increase the throttle, the frame lifts up significantly on one side (like it is about to topple).

So i have to cut the throttle to prevent it from going belly up.


I am flying the + configuration. The whole copter wants to flip about the central axis.

I figured the right motor is generating less thrust. But the problem persists even when i change the motor.


Any ideas will be much appreciated. I have placed the clockwise and ccw props correctly.






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  • I had this issue a few times. The solution was to erase onboard memory and simply cal the accl's, - leveling.
  • why do people think flipping depends on ESC calibration?

    even if they are worst calibrated, it would still fly (arducopter compensates that)


    recalibrate accelerometers <- the first and only thing to do if motors spin in different speed on lift off

  • This can be caused by badly calibrated ESCs.  One motor may be kicking in before the others or at a higher level.

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