FMA IR sensors vs. attopilot IR sensors

Hi there,

Today I flew Ardupilot with FMA XY IR sensors. Since I do not have a Z sensor, I did the calibration according to the manual (each lens pointing the sky for a few seconds etc.).
The ENTIRE sky was covered with clouds (rain clouds); cloud altitude was low (~1500-2000 meters).

I tried STABILIZATION with gains that worked couple of days ago on a sunny/clear sky day.

Unfortunately today (given the weather described above) STABILIZATION worked very little to none. As I said I performed the calibration prior the flight.

Question: Would Attopilot XY and Z sensors ( ) give a better performance in such a weather- heavy clouds, low cloud altitude, entire sky covered by clouds?

It would be very helpful to find out this from people that actually flew these units in cloudy weather...

Based on the feedback I might decide to buy XYZ Attopilot sensors to try them out by myself.


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  • Developer
    You won't see any performance gain with a Z sensor. It just makes calibration happen more often which works better over variable terrain or weather patterns. I never fly with them and I've sent my plane on very long missions in bay area fog.

    I would look elsewhere for your problem.

    1 - do your sensors work at all? loose cables are common for IR - mine are soldered on.
    2 - did you over-calibrate the sensors? Meaning did you put your hand near one while the other side pointed up. You hand is much hotter than the ground. If your IR is on the belly of your plane and you hand toss it, you could have a problem.

    Good luck,
  • Anybody?
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