Hi all!

I'm having some issues getting the NEX 5T with a 19 mm Sigma lens to focus well while in the air. I'm using the intervalometer app with aperture priority shooting straight down in sunny conditions. I think the autofocus is struggling due to the low amounts of contrast on the nadir shots from 100+ meters.

My most recent settings were ISO 100, shutter speed 1/500 - 1/800, and f/4, taking pictures every 3 seconds and refocusing for each shot. I've tried locking the focus and settings but any clouds ruin your set, and there's no good way to set the focus at whatever depth that I need other than pointing at a tree that's kinda far away.

Have any of you found settings that work? Should I pursue an alternate camera? Any other tips?

I'm attaching some pictures (one of the best and one of the worst), GSD theoretically is 2".




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  • We had a lot of trouble getting focused shots using the Nex7 with the 16mm pancake lens. We switched the the 30mm Sigma and havent had any problems.
    • Hey would you mind sending me a few examples of photos at various GSDs (1-2") so I can compare them to what I have? Obviously the NEX 7 takes better pictures than the NEX 5 but it'd be nice to have something to compare to.

    • Hmm good to know. That would put me at a rather high altitude or taking really fast pictures with a small field of view...

      • It works for me since I'm going for 1cm resolution, but it is a problem otherwise.
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